In ten years of watching I had never seen an egret of any kind at Quiet Waters, so this was a surprise. They’re marsh birds, and not really expected at QW which is more woodsie.
It’s the season of Wood Ducks, Gadwalls and Great Blue Herons so far. I’m still tracking the heron nests, and I found an owl nearby.
My only small migrant so far is an Eastern Phoebe, but the warblers will be here soon .

Ring Billed Gulls squabbling over a morsel.

A friend found this Great Horned Owl and two chicks.

This distant Red Throated Loon was a bonus, as I haven’t seen many.

Wood Ducks did very well here last year.

Gadwalls seem to be thriving.

Gadwalls seem to be thriving.

This Heronry has at least three active nests

Yellow Rumped Warblers have been consistently hanging around the pond.

Carolina Chickadees were very active.

Eastern Bluebirds seem abundant this year.

Osprey returned to the area around the first of March.

All the Hooded Mergansers seem to have left the pond.

A half dozen or more Northern Rough Winged Swallows are hanging around the pond.

A fanciful Heron.

First Hermit Thrush of the year.

I saw 10 Horned Grebes at Thomas Point.

This Great Egret stopped briefly at Quiet Waters.