This lucky shot turned out well.
It wasn’t really at Thomas Point, it was ay my friend’s house just a wee bit up the road. This Ebird checklist will show what else was about. https://ebird.org/checklist/S79167434
The weather has been quite good for a week, and I’ve been getting out most days. I finally tried going over the bridge to CBEC, and it was a total bust. My best guess is that the warm weather is keeping the ducks up North.
This is most noticeable at Thomas Point, when the usual hundreds of ducks is down to dozens. This is not the first time weather has affected the winter bird population.
SO, Quiet Waters and Thomas Point are sustaining me at the moment and that suits me. There’s still plenty of virus around and I’d like to avoid it.

I’ve been seeing a few Chipping Sparrows.

Tufted Titmice are always active.

Many Cowbirds have started showing up at Quiet Waters.

Great Blue Herons seem to be around all Winter.

There is a large Mallard Population.

Red Breasted Nuthatches are still in the area.

Lesser Scaup aren’t as numerous as in previous years.

I saw a flock of 60 Dark Eyed Juncos.

Song Sparrows can be quite pretty.

Buffleheads seem to be very common right now.

Canada Geese can be quite boisterous.

I’ve seen only a few Surf Scoters.

Tundra Swans will occasionally stretch their wings.

This is a Mallard/Black Duck hybrid.

This Cardinal seems to peck at every mirror in the parking lot.

I’ve seen only a few Redheads this season.