I’ve been leaving the house way too early recently, and arriving in conditions too dark for photography. Today I did some chores first, then set out for Terrapin Nature Park around 9:30. It was a gray, windy day, but warm enough and promising. I found my first Merganser and a few Ruddy Ducks, which seems promising for later this month.
This Red Breasted Merganser was rafting with a small flock of Ruddy Ducks, one of whom is to the left in this photo.
Ruby Crowned Kinglets remain plentiful.
I’m seeing Yellow Rumped Warblers everywhere I go. There must be many thousands of these birds.
I’ve only seen a few bucks, so this one was a nice surprise.
There was a raft of 10-12 Ruddy Ducks, all snoozing.
This Cedar Waxwing, who was part of a large flock, has found himself a nice meal.