American Avocet at Bombay Hook NWR.

I heard that Bombay Hook had some good birds, so I tried it this morning. I found a few good ones, but not as many as I’d have liked. Still, it was worth the trip.

I expect Bombay Hook is going to get better and better for a while. We should be seeing more migrants soon, so I’m  not sure where I’ll be going.

Bombay Hook 6

Dawn at Bombay Hook.




Great Egret 2017-108 Forster's Tern 2017-89 Forster's Tern 2017-88Forster's Tern 2017-87Forster's Tern 2017-86Forster's Tern 2017-85Forster's Tern 2017-84Forster's Tern 2017-83Forster's Tern 2017-82Forster's Tern 2017-81Forster's Tern 2017-80Forster's Tern 2017-79Forster's Tern 2017-78Forster's Tern 2017-77Forster's Tern 2017-76Forster's Tern 2017-75Forster's Tern 2017-74Forster's Tern 2017-73Forster's Tern 2017-72Forster's Tern 2017-71

Forster's Tern 2017-70

I may be spending too much time chasing Forster’s Terns.

Least Sandpiper 2017-10 Forster's Tern 2017-73 Great Egret 2017-109

Black Crowned Night Heron 2017-9

Black Crowned Night Herons breed at Bombay Hook.

Blue Grosbeak 2017-11

This Blue Grosbeak was singing loudly at dawn.

Great Egret 2017-107

There are many Egrets at Bombay Hook.

Snowy Egret 2017-71

Great Egret 2017-107

There are many Egrets at Bombay Hook.

Great Egret 2017-108 Great Egret 2017-109 Snowy Egret 2017-72

American Avocet 2017-7

American Avocet 2017-5

I haven’t seen American Avocets in quite a while.