With everything closed on Tuesday, and commuter traffic heading West. I went East to Blackwater.
It was actually pretty good, but ducks are in short supply. Eagles and squirrels made up for it.

Appearance: The Delmarva fox squirrel has a steel or whitish gray body and a white belly. It has short, thick, rounded ears. Its full, fluffy tail has black edgings and can grow to 15 inches long. The fox squirrel can grow to 30 inches in length and weigh up to 3 pounds. Habitat: Prefers quiet wooded areas, especially mature loblolly pine and hardwood forests with an open understory. Also found in woodlots near farm fields and groves of trees near water. Spends a considerable amount of time on the ground, rather than in trees like the common gray squirrel. Range: Found only in small isolated populations on the Delmarva Peninsula, mostly in Kent, Dorchester, Talbot and Queen Anne’s counties in Maryland. Biologists have moved some squirrels to other parts of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia to help develop populations there. Historic range extended as far north as southern New Jersey and southeastern Pennsylvania.