Sandy Point was a little better than usual this morning. It’s been fairly boring of late.
I got out out every day this week, but it’s been tough to find anything worth photographing. Terrapin is finally getting some small birds, and I expect they’ll stay for a while.

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Many Song Sparrows were feeding in the meadow.

This Palm Warbler was hanging out with the sparrows.

This is an immature Greater Black Backed Seagull.

This Cardinal looked good against the green foliage.

I found this Swamp Sparrow at Greenbury Point yesterday.

Blue Jays seem to be migrating still.

Filed Sparrows are a little harder to find than some.

I only saw a few Dark Eyed Juncos today.

Eastern Phoebes are still plentiful, probably because of the very warm weather.