The perfect weather continues, and the scarcity of birds as well. After the Sandy Point sunrise, I headed to Terrapin, where I walked the entire beach path twice without finding very much. I really expected more sparrows, but they just aren’t here yet.
I took a lot of Terrapin landscapes to make up for the lack of birds.
The weather is supposed to continue to be great tomorrow, so I’ll try again.
Sunrise panorama.
Blue Jays are becoming easier to find.
A large flock of Chipping Sparrows was in the parking lot.
I’m jealous of Ring Billed Gulls as they float through the air.
Yellow Rumped Warblers and sparrows were the dominant birds today.
Song Sparrows are common, but very attractive in the right setting.
This female Red Winged Blackbird caught my eye near the marsh pond.
The beach path at Terrapin.