More perfect birding weather this morning. It was in the low 50s and dry, so I took a light jacket, but it wasn’t necessary. It was a very slow day compared to recent ones. I spent quite some time looking for migrants, but saw only a few. Better luck next time.
This Carolina Wren perched in the open to sing his songs, and waited patiently while I snapped his picture.
A small flock of Cedar Waxwings continues in residence.
This appears to be a migrating Field Sparrow. I haven’t seen one in years.
I’m calling this “Unknown Warbler ” for the moment. It turns out to be a Ruby Crowned Kinglet.
I’m seeing a lot of Eastern Phoebes lately.
This Eastern Phoebe was amusing. He was perched on a fence post, and as I approached he flew to the next post. He did this several times before he flew into a nearby bush.
This may be a Least Flycatcher.
These Grackles are just chillin’.
I haven’t found a name for this guy yet. It’s a Red Admiral.
I saw this Magnolia Warbler moving in a large bank of bushed, and followed him from one end to the other.
The female Red Winged Blackbird is as attractive as her mate.
The Great Blue Heron is a much more patient fisherman than I ever was.