Redhead at Possum Point

It was cold, but sunny with a light wind this morning, not too shabby for mid January. The local park is closed on Tuesdays, so Possum Point seemed like a good choice.
There wasn’t much at the point proper, so I wandered the field then checked out the marina, which had some good birds.

Possum Point

Possum Point at dawn.


I saw this hawk from a distance, and wasn't sure it was a bird at all, until I got closer and it flew off.


These Mallards were feeding in the marina cove.

Great Blue Heron

It seemed unusual for the Great Blue Heron to be hanging out with a Canada Goose.

Hermit Thrush 42

Hermit Thrush 43

Hermit Thrush

This may be the same Hermit Thrush I saw last week.

Black Backed Seagull

Black Backed Seagull

There's always a few Black Backed Seagulls at the point.



This Redhead was a nice find as I haven't seen one since last year.

One thought on “Redhead at Possum Point

  1. Beautiful pics! I especially love the mallards looking so sleek as they fly so close to the water!

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