Cedar Waxwing at Possum Point

Sunny and cold weather had me off to Possum Point to see if the ducks were there. Not a single one, which is mysterious. Ducks are scarce at the moment, which makes them about two weeks late.
There were plenty of other birds, though, and I got a few good images.
I spent a little time at Greenbury Point also, and it was mildly productive.

Downy Woodpecker

This Downy Woodpecker was foraging at the point.

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

This is the first Hermit Thrush I've seen in this area.

Double Crested Cormorant

I've seen Double Crested Cormorants every time I've been to Possum Point.

Double Crested Cormorant 75


A large flock of Bluebirds was feeding rapidly.

Ring Billed Gull

Dark Eyed Junco

Dark Eyed Junco

My sister will be happy to see her favorite bird.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagles are fairly common here.

Black Backed Seagull

Black Backed Seagulls are also common in this area,

Canada Goose

Several large flocks of Canada Geese flew over the point.

Cedar Waxwing

This is a favorite area for Cedar Waxwings.