American Redstart at Truxtun Park

Every month Richard (Roommate) and I go to the bank and Sam’s club to pay bills and stock up on food. Today, I noticed the brakes were squishy, so repairs cut into my birding time, but I managed to get to Truxtun Park and take a few shots. I saw the first deer I’ve seen at Truxtun, but the pics weren’t very good.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

This picture was taken at f6.3. 1/200. ISO 1600 using the flash. Some day I’ll be able to afford a faster lens so I can do this Great Blue Heron justice.

Laughing Gull

I took a series of shots to get this close up. I believe it’s a non-breeding Laughing Gull.


This could be the same young Osprey I saw yesterday.


This Downy Woodpecker was a little too distant for a good shot.



I assume this is a Goldfinch in some sort of color phase.

Unknown Warbler

Unknown Warbler

It’s a warbler, but I’m not sure which one yet. OK-another American Redstart.

Tufted Titmouse

At this time of year I’m looking for warblers or other migrants, so I follow every small movement. This one turned out to be a Tufted Titmouse.


A classic Cardinal.


I appreciate it when a bird pauses nearby to pose, as this Goldfinch did.


This Catbird will be heading South soon.