We had a nice break in the weather this morning. Temps in the 70s with low humidity and clear skies.
There was a fair amount of bird activity, and the bugs cooperated as well.
I saw several Common Yellowthroats this morning.
This Indigo Bunting was singing also.
This Orchard Oriole pair must have a nest nearby, as I see them often in this tree.
Blue Gray Gnatcatchers are very fast feeders.
This Eastern Towhee was singing from the same perch for 20 minutes.
This Red Winged Blackbird was foraging in the swamp.
It’s been several weeks since I saw a Brown Thrasher.
This Prothonotary Warbler visited the same tree 3 times in just a few minutes.
This Orb Weaver is making a meal of a Candystripe Leafhopper.
Today’s bugs.