Cedar Waxwing at Schoolhouse Pond

It was another perfect morning, so I decided to head back to Schoolhouse Pond to try and see something different. It was not to be. Some good birds have been seen there, but nothing special today.
I stopped at Governor Bridge on the way home and found a few bugs.

Great Blue Heron

Several Great Blue Herons were fishing in the lake.


This Mallard hen was protecting her duckling.

Chipping Sparrow

I usually see Chipping Sparrows on the ground.

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallows were actively hunting all over the lake.

Cedar Waxwing

Two flocks of Cedar Waxwings were fly hunting near the lake.

Largemouth Bass

This fisherman caught a nice Largemouth Bass.

Moth 17

Insect 151

Dragonfly 47

Dragonfly 49

Zebra Swallowtail 9

Insect 152

Dragonfly 50

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.


This Beaver was enjoying an early morning swim.

Northern Black Racer

I was surprised to this large Northern Black Racer in this bush.