Green Winged Teal at Terrapin Nature Park

Another nice day, and another choice to make. No warblers have been reported yet, and the plants aren’t blooming, so it will be a while before things pick up. If Quiet Waters wasn’t closed on Tuesdays, I would have gone there, so I took a chance on Terrapin, and it worked out OK.
Birds weren’t numerous, but I found a few that made the trip worthwhile.



These Mallards were cruising in one the small marsh ponds.

Green Winged Teal

Green Winged Teal

Green Winged Teal

Green Winged Teal

Green Winged Teal

Green Winged Teal

Green Winged Teals will be heading North to breed soon.

Wood Duck

Wood Duck

This Wood Duck hen is resting on her nesting box.

Double Crested Cormorant

These Double Crested Cormorants may be heading out to feed.



This male Bluebird is in breeding plumage.

Northern Flicker

This Northern Flicker seemed to be catching some rays.

Brown Thrasher

This Brown Thrasher was singing for a mate.