Red Necked Grebe at Thomas Point

I saw a doctor about my arm injury yesterday, and had an MRI today. It seems that I have fractured my humerus. I’m seeing another doctor Monday to resolve the issue. So much for being doctor adverse.

I’ve only gotten out for a short time the last few days, so I’m including a few of those pictures along with the very nice Grebe I found this morning.

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrushes were almost commonplace the last few days.


Common Goldeneye

This Common Goldeneye was solo at the point.


Robins were plentiful and bright.


This Bluebird is in breeding plumage.

Red Necked Grebe

Red Necked Grebe

Red Necked Grebe

Red Necked Grebe

Red Necked Grebe

Red Necked Grebe

Red Necked Grebe

This Red Necked Grebe was foraging close to shore.

One thought on “Red Necked Grebe at Thomas Point

  1. Take care of that arm…i need my daily bird fix. Hopefully it won’t be too long before you are back to normal, but do as they say. Therapy will be important to get the shoulder moving well again.

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