Red Bellied Woodpecker at Wooton’s Landing

Today’s weather was a big improvement even if the variety of birds wasn’t as good. I spent an hour or so at Wooton before heading to Sands Road, which wasn’t as good either. I did find a few bugs, however.

Savannah Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow

This is a Savannah Sparrow.

Yellow  Rumped Warbler 93

Yellow  Rumped Warbler

Yellow  Rumped Warbler

Yellow Rumped Warblers are still the dominant bird.

Blue Headed Vireo 18

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglets move very quickly.

Cooper's Hawk

This appears to be a Cooper’s Hawk.

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Red Bellied Woodpecker

This Red Bellied Woodpecker has a real mouthful.




Bluebirds have become easier to find.

Wasp 16

Praying Mantis 13

Insect 71

Wasp 17

Wasp 18

Wasp 19

Today's Bugs.

Today’s Bugs.

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