White Throated Sparrow at Governor Bridge Natural Area

There was some talk that we might see more migrants after yesterday’s weather, but Governor Bridge was very slow today. What birds I did find were well into the trees, and difficult to photograph.
Bugs are starting to hide for the Winter.

Eastern Phoebe

This Eastern Phoebe was flycatching from a large tree.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglets continue to pass through.

White Throated Sparrow

This is my first White Throated Sparrow of the season.

Tufted Titmouse

This Tufted Titmouse greeted me early today.

Yellow  Rumped Warbler

Yellow  Rumped Warbler

Yellow Rumped Warblers are migrating in large numbers, and many will stay for awhile.

Grasshopper 17

Daddy Long Legs 3

Assassin Bug 4

Stink Bug 1

Spider 89

Leafhopper 9

Leafhopper 10

Spider 85

Spider 88

Insect 68

Insect 67

Insect 66

Today's Bugs.

Today’s Bugs.

3 thoughts on “White Throated Sparrow at Governor Bridge Natural Area

  1. Geez, the rest of the pics just finished popping up. I know I’ve said this before but you do the most incredible insect photos. Wow. Love the orange, blue and green dude.

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