Yellow Billed Cuckoo at Governor Bridge Natural Area

It was a cool morning with sunshine promised, so I put on a heavy shirt before leaving. I was determined to try the lake area this morning, but it was a disappointment. Birds were scarce everywhere, so I tried yet another area, where I got a little more cooperation.
I only had a short time for bug hunting, but I found a few good ones.

Brown Thrasher

This Brown Thrasher posed well, unlike many.

Brown Thrasher

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat

This Common Yellowthroat landed right in front of me.


This Flycatcher may be an Eastern Phoebe.

Northern Parula

Northern Parula

Northern Parula

This Northern Parula was one of the few warblers I found.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

Yellow Billed Cuckoos are often elusive, so I was glad to see this one linger awhile.

Locust BorerLocust Borer

Daddy Long Legs 1

Insect 15

Leafhopper 1

Praying Mantis 4

Spider 27

Spider 29

Today's Bugs.

Today’s Bugs.