American Redstart at Governor Bridge Natural Area

It was an ugly morning, but the weatherman predicted sunny, so I set out early looking for migrants blown our way during last night’s storm. The Sun didn’t materialize until much later, so bird activity was very muted. What birds I did see were poorly lighted, but there was plenty of variety even if I didn’t see them all.
I found some bugs after the Sun came out, including a cool grasshopper.

American Redstart

American Redstart

American Redstart

Early on, I found a tree just loaded with American Redstarts

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warbler

Black and White Warblers weren’t hard to find.

Magnolia Warbler
Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warblers are still passing through.

Red Eyed Vireo

This Red Eyed Vireo posed in decent light.

Caterpillar 17

Caterpillar 18

Dragonfly 38

Grasshopper 3

Grasshopper 4

Grasshopper 5

Grasshopper 6

Praying Mantis 2

Spider 19Handsome Meadow KatydidHandsome Meadow Katydid

Spider 20