Blue Gray Gnatcatcher Chicks

I stuck my head out the door last night and around 10:00 and it was even more hot and humid than in the day time. I was pleasantly surprised to see much cooler temps with a slight breeze this morning, so I went to Possum Point, where I plan to check in frequently to monitor the Fall migration.

Orchard Oriole

This female Orchard Oriole was hanging out by the boat dock, an area I haven’t explored much previously.



I saw this Belted Kingfisher from a distance, and got a couple of images, then moved closer through some moderately difficult terrain to get a better shot, and it paid off.




Ospreys are still pesent in large numbers, but all the chicks seem to have fledged and learned to fly, so they’ll be heading South before long. I’ll miss them.

Black Swallowtail

Black Swallowtail

There were several Black Swallowtails flitting from flower to flower, and plenty of light to shoot this at 1/1600.

Eastern Kingbird

I always want to say, “Handsome” when I post a picture of an Eastern Kingbird.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Parent and chicks seem to be doing fine.

Eastern Kingbird

I shot this Eastern Kingbird from a tripod at 1/1600. I wonder what it would take to stop the motion?


I almost always see Ospreys in flight or on a bare branch, so it’s a surprise to see one perched at the top of an evergreen.