I decided to go back to Terrapin after yesterday’s good luck, and I did reasonably well. I had some technical problems with over-exposing some shots, but I was able to make a reasonable recovery.
When the birds quit biting, I found some colorful bugs.
Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Ailanthus Webworm Moth
Bald Faced Hornet
attachment_id=10260″ rel=”attachment wp-att-10260″> Blue Gray Gnatcatchers are as active at Terrapin as elsewhere.
Magnolia Warblers are among my favorites.
I’m still finding American Redstarts regularly.
This Chestnut Sided Warbler is in Fall plumage.
This is the first Yellow Breasted Chat I’ve seen at Terrapin.
Cedar Waxwings will be around the park for a while.
Love these! Love the Ailanthus Webworm Moth the most!