Baltimore Oriole at Governor Bridge Natural Area

A thoroughly nice morning for a change. It was a bit cloudy early, but it cleared up adequately and I was ale to get a few good images. There was plenty of activity. I missed the best warblers, but got enough pictures to be content.
Bugs were plentiful, and a snake and a couple of frogs made for a nice morning.

Common Yellowthroat

I haven’t seen an adult male Common Yellowthroat in a while.

Magnolia Warbler

Another elusive Magnolia Warbler.

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Orioles are still passing through.


This Cardinal is molting.

White Eyed Vireo

I found this White Eyed Vireo as I was leaving the park.

Brown Thrasher

Brown Thrasher

This Brown Thrasher posed nicely.

Scarlet Tanager

Another Scarlet Tanager in Winter plumage.

Toad 1

Frog 11

Snake 11

A nice selection of other creatures today.

Wasp 67

Saddleback Caterpillar 101

Caterpillar 184

Saddleback Caterpillar 103

Saddleback Caterpillar 102

Saddleback Caterpillar 101

Caterpillar 183

Arrow Shaped Micrathena 7

Arrow Shaped Micrathena 6

Saddleback Caterpillar 100

Cicada 107

Cicada 106

Insect 630

Moth 100

Caterpillar 182

Assassin Bug 106

Today’s bugs.