Snowy Egrets at Terrapin Nature Park

A sunny morning at last. I had decided to go to Terrapin last night, and I get good shots there when the sky is clear. There was some good action in the marsh ponds, where I met Diana, a fellow birder, and we walked the whole beach loop together, not seeing a whole lot, unfortunately.

Afterward, I spent some time looking for bugs, which were plentiful, but there wasn’t much new.

Turtle 41

We found this Box Turtle crossing the path in the woods.

Rabbit 21

I see more rabbits at Terrapin than anywhere else.

Mallard 148


Mallard 149

This Mallard flew across the marsh pond right in front of me.

Snowy Egret 128 Snowy Egret 127


Snowy Egret 129

It was nice to see the Snowy Egrets have returned.

Milkweed Beetle 4

Bee 205

Dragonfly 56 Insect 724 Insect 723 Beetle 16 Beetle 15


Beetle 14

Today’s bugs.