Ruby Crowned Kinglet at Wooton Wetlands Preserve

It was the coolest morning of the Fall thus far, and sunshine was promised, so I flipped a coin and went back to Wooton. I walked the entire upper trail without seeing much, but did better when I reached the ponds. I spent quite a bit of time trying to get a Kinglet hovering as he gleaned from the bottoms of the leaves, and found plenty more Yellow Rumps ( known as “Butter Butts” to the insider).

Palm Warbler

Palm Warblers are quite beautiful.

White Throated Sparrow

White Throated Sparrow

White Throated Sparrows will be with us ’til Spring.

Northern Flicker

Northern Flickers are travelling in small flocks now.


Chickadees are a treat to watch.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Ruby Crowned Kinglets often hover under a leaf as they search for bugs.

Yellow  Rumped Warbler

Yellow  Rumped Warbler

Yellow Rumped Warblers are very active when feeding.


This Flycatcher is probably an Eastern Phoebe.


This Viceroy butterfly is staying a bit late.

3 thoughts on “Ruby Crowned Kinglet at Wooton Wetlands Preserve

  1. Do you mind me asking what size lens you used for these? I bought my first ‘good’ camera (a Nikon 3200) with a 55-300mm lens. It has been a real exercise in patience to get close enough to small, active birds like Kinglets and Warblers to get clear, crips shots. They’re getting better, but I’m trying to learn as much as I can from fellow birders/photographers. I really do love your shots – last night I looked at your slide show of birds from Wooten’s Landing.

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