Little Blue Heron at Bombay Hook NWR.

With good weather promised, I made the trek to Bombay Hook to see if I could get a better variety of birds. I got lucky-many Sandpipers and wading birds have moved in, and there’s still plenty of ducks and raptors.

The Avocets are always a treat, and the Little Blue Heron is the first I’ve seen in breeding plumage.

Bombay Hook 1

Sunrise at Bombay Hook.

Red Winged Blackbird 2017-11

Red Winged Blackbird 2017-12

This Red Winged Blackbird greeted me at dawn.

Mute Swan 2017-1

Two Mute Swans were in Bear Swamp Pool.

Sandpiper 2017-2

I’m not certain which Sandpipers these are.

Bald Eagle 2017-88

Several Bald Eagles were hanging out in the area.

Bufflehead 2017-50

There always seems to be a few Buffleheads.

Snowy Egret 2017-6

Snowy Egrets were well represented.

Great Egret 2017-3

I saw 8-10 Great Egrets.

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-8

Greater Yellowlegs 2017-7

These appear to be Greater Yellowlegs.

Sandpiper 2017-2

I’m not certain which Sandpipers these are.

American Avocet 2017-3

A large flock of American Avocets was foraging in the marsh.

Green Winged Teal 2017-16

Green Winged Teal 2017-15

Green Winged Teal 2017-14

Green Winged Teals were more numerous.

Snowy Egret 2017-5

Great Egret 2017-2

Many Herons and Egrets were feeding in the marsh ponds.

Northern Shoveler 2017-32

Northern Shoveler 2017-31

This Northern Shoveler is really getting down to business.

Little Blue Heron 2017-1

I was lucky to spot this Little Blue heron.