Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

I got an email last night saying my Great Crested Flycatcher on the nest is an Acadian Flycatcher, so I’ve changed the text accordingly. Taking a closer look, I can see the person was right, and I’ve been seeing too many Great Crested Flycatchers lately. If you look up Flycatchers, you’ll see how many of them are very similar, but this little guy is 2-3″ too short.
I started the day at Possum Point, limping from a slightly sprained ankle due to an encounter with a hole at Truxtun Park yesterday. I didn’t stay long at Possum Point, but elected to go by Truxtun, where the walking would be less strenuous. Tomorrow I’m going to the North Tract at Patuxent Wildlife Refuge as I’ve heard good things about it.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

I’m pretty sure this is a Blue Gray Gnatcatcher, but I don’t know these birds well. I’m checking with my experts at Bird Forum.Net.

Blue Jay

This Blue Jay was very vocal, scolding loudly for several minutes. I saw some hawks in the area, and that may have been the cause.

Red Tailed Hawk

This Red Tailed Hawk made even more racket than the Blue Jay, calling very loudly long before I saw him, and after he flew over.

Red Winged Blackbird

This female Red Winged Blackbird hovered among the fragmite a while, then landed in the mud.

Red Winged Blackbird

Here, it looks as though she’s captured a grasshopper.

Acadian Flycatcher

The Acadian Flycatcher was back on her nest. I’m going to try to get a shot of her feeding the chicks, if I can do it without disturbing her too much.