Screech Owl at Blackwater NWR.

It was a perfect day for Blackwater, and I got there early. The eagles weren’t as active as previously, but there were plenty of ducks and Snow Geese to make up for it.

I made a quick stop at Oakley Street on the way back, and it didn’t disappoint.

Canvasback 2017-15

This is a Canvasback hen.

Great Blue Heron 2017-14

This Great Blue heron is perfectly reflected.

American Wigeon 2017-4

Good light makes all the difference to this American Wigeon image.

American Kestrel 2017-5

It’s not hard to find an American Kestrel perched on the roadside wires.

Hooded Merganser 2017-781

Hooded Merganser 2017-780

The Hooded Mergansers at Blackwater spook easily.

Northern Shoveler 2017-11

Northern Shoveler 2017-12

Many Northern Shovelers were foraging in the marsh.

Lesser Scaup 2017-20

This Lesser Scaup was at Oakley Street.

Red Shouldered Hawk 2017-4

Snow Goose 2017-8

Snow Goose 2017-9 Snow Goose 2017-8

Snow Goose 2017-6

A large flock of Snow Geese was feeding by the side of the road.

Hooded Merganser 2017-780

The Hooded Mergansers at Blackwater spook easily.

Screech Owl 2017-2

Screech Owl 2017-1

This Screech Owl’s camouflage is perfect.