White Eyed Vireo at Wooton’s Landing

After yesterday’s long trip I wanted to stay closer to home, so I went to Wooton.

It was perfect weather, and some people are finding early migrants, but my luck wasn’t as good. Activity was minimal, and only a few birds were willing to pose.

A couple of butterflies helped out in the end.

Tufted Titmouse 203

This Tufted Titmouse was feeding right above my head.

Catbird 207

I heard a lot of Catbirds today.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 223

Blue Gray Gnatcatchers seem to be very active now.

Eastern Phoebe 108

Perhaps we’ll be seeing more Eastern Phoebes soon.

Green Heron 131

Green Herons don’t usually pose this well for me.

Common Yellowthroat 220


White Eyed Vireo 111

Learn the song of the White Eyed Vireo and you’ll hear them often.

Viceroy 4


Painted Lady 4

Today’s bugs.