Tree Swallow at Patuxent NWR

I haven’t been to Patuxent in a while, so it seemed to be worth a try. It was better than other recent trips, but it got hot and humid early.
I saw some birds I haven’t seen recently, but the bugs were strangely hard to find.


Too pretty to pass up.

Green Heron

This half-ass flight shot is still my best Green Heron in flight.

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallows are actively nesting.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Herons are plentiful at Patuxent.

Eastern Phoebe

A pair of Eastern Phoebes was playing near the lake.



A small flock of Killdeer was feeding along the lakeshore.

Orchard Oriole

This Orchard Oriole is nesting near the lake.


Two Deer were feeding along the lake’s edge.

Butterfly 21

Leatherwing 3

Bee 25

Butterfly 22

Dragonfly 77

Monarch Butterfly 100

Insect 293

Today's bugs.

Today’s bugs.

Gray Tree Frog

Gray Tree Frog

I believe this is a Gray Tree Frog.