Yellow Rumped Warbler at Quiet Waters

Yet another morning rain, so I missed the best part of the day. I managed to get to Quiet Waters around 3:30, only to find very few birds. The bugs surprised me, but it was unusually warm, which probably accounts for it.

Yellow  Rumped Warbler

Yellow  Rumped Warbler

Yellow Rumped Warblers continue to gather in large numbers.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

I you live in this area, go outside and look around to see a Ruby Crowned Kinglet.

Spider Web 13

Fly 6

Insect 86

Praying Mantis 20

Praying Mantis 19

Praying Mantis 18

Praying Mantis 17

Praying Mantis 16

Insect 85

Insect 84

Insect 83

Today's Bugs.

Today’s Bugs.